Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hannah's Recital and Misc.

Did I mention that Chrissi and Kami took me out to dinner and pinkberry, and then we went to Target, bought a scrabble game, and played it at Barnes and Noble until they closed? In addition to babysitting my children on the actual day of my birthday so that Mark and I could go out alone! And THEN they ALSO threw me a surprise PARTY??? I seriously have the GREATEST friends EVER!!

Hannah finally performed in her highly anticipated dance recital! I was just lucky that she made it on time! We were racing to get her there a half an hour as requested, but, of course, I had read the time wrong. I thought the recital began at 6:30, when really it was six! We arrived at 6:05, and I was freaking out as I rushed her into the auditorium! Luckily, her dance was not until almost the end, so we were in the clear! Imagine missing her first dance recital! She would not have been pleased.

She danced beautifully, however! Our little actress! She had the sweetest expression on her face as she gracefully performed what she remembered of the dance! She and one of the other older girls were really the only ones dancing - it was still really cute!

Chase is growing bigger day by day - one minute he's crawling, and the next he is pulling himself to standing on the furinture! Today he started climbing up the stairs - YIKES - I had better child proof the home a little better!


jessi said...

Your Family is so cute! You look beautiful as always, and your daughter is gorgeous! I am glad you had a great birthday and have such wonderful friends.
Love jess

James and Jessica Ford said...

Hannah looked so cute! I can't wait until Naomi has hers. I'm glad I found you're blog.
