Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sitting Up

Chase started sitting up on his own the other day! He can only do it for a minute or so, but I think it is good. He is eating rice cereal or oatmeal once or twice a day now, and does not wake up as much at night. Hannah is busy being a good big sister. We started a reward chart when we got home from Utah after Christmas. She has been brushing her own teeth and hair twice a day, obeying Mommy and Daddy (for the most part!), picking up her toys, and trying her hardest to not say "no" when she is asked to do something.

Hannah's reward for getting enough stars this week is to sign up for ballet lessons at the local studio. She is very excited. Her friend Jaycee will be in the same class!

Chase got a Jumperoo! He loves to get his "exercise"!


Jodie said...

Fun blog! Can you please have Chase come over and explain to Alexa that it's not necessary to wake up every 2-3 hrs (or every hour to cry last night)? Agh!

Casey said...

It's no wonder why he is sitting up! That nifty chair sure helps I bet. Cute pictures!

The Georgia Billeters said...

What darling photos! We love seeing pictures of what our cousins are doing. Hannah is getting so grown up, and Chase is getting big so quickly! We miss you! Thank you for sharing your lives with us. And please email me when you update the blog...we love to see what you are up to! Your kids are gorgeous. We hope to see you soon!